Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Kindly Advice

So on Friday afternoon, I was cleaning off our stovetop. It had gotten extremely filthy, so I was having to use a lot of elbow grease to try to clean it. Isaiah was watching me and asking about the methods I was using: the sponges, scrub brushes, and cleaning fluids I was using to try to loosen the burnt in crud. After a while, my 9 year old son said to me, "You know, Mommy, maybe you should clean the stove every day, and then it wouldn't be so difficult to clean. It's like the way Isaac and I keep the table in our playroom clean every day, so we never have a huge mess on it to clean up." I could barely keep a straight face as I thanked him for his idea. He doesn't seem to remember that it was my idea in the first place. I don't know how many times I've told the boys to keep their table/closet/playroom/bedroom/whatever cleaned up every day so it's easier than having to clean up a huge mess later. Apparently, it has sunk in, but Isaiah has forgotten the source.

And I guess it would be a good idea. Excuse me while I go clean the stove while it still isn't a huge mess...


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